Hope for Something New

This blog is my reflection of The Flying Child – A Fairy Tale for Adults , book launch, hosted by SH+ME on 20/02/24. It is written in the style of the fairy tale, from the perspective of The Little Princess – the character I created to give myself a voice when unable to ‘speak’ my story of Child Sexual Abuse.

Huge thanks to the SH+ME team: Joanna Bourke, Ruth Beecher, Rhea Sookdeosingh and Emma Yapp, and to our panel: Ruth Beecher, Clare Shaw, Jonathon Tomlinson and Patricia Walsh. Thank you to The Flying Child Team: Vicki, Simon, Jasmine, Toni, Kate and Rhianna (special thanks to security).

Thank you to ‘The People’ for listening.

 “Hansel, don’t despair! I know how to help – wait and be patient”

The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales  


 © Sophie Olson   February 2024 #TheBlossomTree #HopeForSomethingNew

The Flying Child – A Cautionary Fairy Tale for Adults: Available now.

2 thoughts on “Hope for Something New”

  1. What a wonderful thing to read… this feels so positive and powerful. I had goosebumps the whole time I read it. X

  2. I’m half way through my advance ordered copy of your book Sophie and whilst it is a very hard read, it is giving me hope, hope that I too can change/can find my voice, hope that professionals will learn to meet our needs without pathologising us, hope for a future where the damage that CSA inflicts is acknowledged and spoken about, not hidden shamefully away

    My wish is that the NHS can fund specialist therapy for all those stuck in the despair of CSA trauma, we must surely deserve that after all we have endured?

    Thank you for writing this book Sophie, for fighting so hard to survive, for enduring when it felt hopeless, for your activism, for The Flying Child and all the diverse work you are doing.

    I feel so privileged to have found The Flying Child.

    Thank you.

    Jane A

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